UK-Israel Climate Change Innovation Forum

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As one of the world leaders in tackling climate change, the UK has put clean growth at the heart of its Industrial Strategy, by setting out ambitions to reduce carbon emissions while supporting a thriving green economy. The upcoming year will have a unique focus: the UK will be hosting COP26, the International Climate Change Conference on November 2021.

In order to support the above, The British Embassy in Israel has launched: The UK-Israel Climate Change Innovation Forum (CCIF) to bring together, during a series of events, the brightest minds from both countries to shed light on the rapid innovation needed in the sector, promote collaboration between businesses and investors as well as encourage best practice sharing on climate change innovation:




Upcoming Activities
  • TBD 2021: TBD
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More About This

This forum is a collaboration of the British Embassy’s UK Israel Tech Hub team, the Department for International Trade (DIT), Science and Innovation Network (SIN) and the British Council. Together, the forum utilizes the British Embassy’s unique position as the bridge between the UK & Israel, to increase awareness and stimulate bi-lateral partnerships around the stressing need for innovation in climate change.

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