UK Delegation to Biomed 2019

Monday 14th – 16th June 2019

David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel Aviv

MIXiii-hashtag#BIOMED 2019: Calling all hashtag#healthtech & hashtag#biomed companies!!! Come join us at British Embassy Israel‘s pavilion #39 where we’ll be with our partners Northern Health Science Alliance Ltd & BioIndustry Association and their member companies: Sensyne Health, NIHR Clinical Research Network, Horizon Discovery, Manchester Science Partnerships, Richmond Pharmacology, AMR Centre, Custom Pharma Services, University of Leeds & Northern Powerhouse! THEN – Happy Hour(s)!!! 15:30 on Wednesday 15th May, come to our booth for some cool British ale with the British Ambassador

Panel Participants:

Moderator: Nimrod Kozlovski, Adjunct Prof. for Cyber Studies, TA University


1. The National Child Online Protection Bureau (Lead by Home Office, IL)

2. Cyber Directorate, Department for Digital, Culture Media and Sports (UK Government) – TBC

3. Israeli Startup (Zohar LevkovitzAnti Toxin Technologies (IL)

4. Academia Chen Pubndak (IL)

5. Cyber Smile Foundation (UK) 

6. VC (IL) / Facebook (IL) TBC

7. Metzila – The Division of Society & Crime Prevention in the Ministry of Public Security (IL) 

Pictures from Cyber Week 2018


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MIXiii-hashtag#BIOMED 2019: Calling all hashtag#healthtech & hashtag#biomed companies!!! Come join us at British Embassy Israel‘s pavilion #39 where we’ll be with our partners Northern Health Science Alliance Ltd & BioIndustry Association and their member companies: Sensyne Health, NIHR Clinical Research Network, Horizon Discovery, Manchester Science Partnerships, Richmond Pharmacology, AMR Centre, Custom Pharma Services, University of Leeds & Northern Powerhouse! THEN – Happy Hour(s)!!! 15:30 on Wednesday 15th May, come to our booth for some cool British ale with the British Ambassador.

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