Queen of Green

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The British Embassy Israel,  powered by Google for Startups and Shoosmiths LLP, invite you to apply for a chance to take part in the  Queen of GreenTech Delegation: Leading UK & Israeli Women in Sustainable Tech from Farm to Fork.

This is a fully funded 3-day immersive programme designed to build your networks, skills, and expertise essential for growing globally, accessing funding, and succeeding in entrepreneurship as current and future leaders.

The programme will take place PHYSICALLY IN ISRAEL and is FULLY FUNDED**
**Costs covered for UK Founders: Flights to/from Israel + PCR Test in Israel, Hotel accommodation in Israel, meals & transport in Israel
**Costs covered for Israeli Founders: Meals & Transport in Israel

The programme is tailored to the sustainability tech sector (focusing on Farm to Fork: Agritech, foodtech, circular economy, sustainable packaging, watertech, sustainable supply chain) and will cover:

  • Skills and capacity building workshops/sessions delivered by industry experts and business figures on e.g. IP, growth strategies, customer acquisition, raising investment.

  • Networking- connecting globally with female founders and startups in the sector as well as engaging with successful thought leaders and stakeholders within the Israeli and UK start-up and innovation community.

  • Mentoring –1:1 advising and support from a select group of mentors, across a broad range of expertise, who will enable mentees to gain a greater understanding of their business strategy and market opportunities within the industry as well as enhance their leadership skills.
What are the benefits of joining this delegation?
  • Dedicated one-to-one meetings with high profile stakeholders
  • Discover fresh ideas and network with international thought leaders and stakeholders
  • Gain insights and trends in the Israeli and UK Clean Growth sector
  • Understand the opportunities and challenges of doing business in Israel and the UK
  • Improve your company pitches for international partners and investors

Application Deadline:  18 October 2021 (at midnight)
Winners Announced: week of 22 October 2021
Delegation Dates: 21-25 November 2021**
**Arrival of UK Participants in Israel on 21st November, Main programme on 22-24 November, Departure of UK Participants on 25th November

**arrival to hotel and check-in afternoon of 22nd, check-out afternoon 24th


In order to apply you must fit ALL of the following criteria:

– Female Founders and C-Level Execs

– Farm to Fork company with technology enabled solutions in agritech, foodtech, circular food economy, sustainable packaging, watertech, sustainable supply chain

– Company HQ/office located in the UK or Israel

COVID-19 International Travel Information

UK Participants:

The British Embassy is working with a travel agency with experience bringing business groups to Israel during the COVID-19 pandemic. Regulations are subject to change and we will make sure to monitor them closely and escort UK participants through the travel and entry process, including PCR and Serological Tests.

The following are the current travel restrictions according to Israeli Ministry of Health and Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs for foreign groups:

1) Entrance to Israel is permitted only for those who have received 2 doses of the Covid 19 vaccination, with the last one received in the last 6 months OR have documentation of recovering from Covid 19 within the last 6 months.

2) Participants will conduct a PCR test within 72 hours prior to arrival (result must be Negative) and conduct a second PCR test upon arrival at Ben Gurion Airport as well as an serological test (with positive results)

3) Upon arrival to Israel, guests are required to quarantine for 24 hours, or until the negative PCR test or a positive serological test arrives, the earlier of the options.

Israeli Participants:

**You will be required to have a valid Green Pass during the programme dates.**

If you have any questions or queries please contact
[email protected]

  • The application takes approximately 10 min to complete. Good luck!

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