Clean Growth

Using Purpose Driven Innovation for a Future of Clean Growth

The UK is at the global forefront of prioritising Climate Change at the heart of it’s national strategy, and transitioning towards a future of Green Economy.

The British industry is already in the midst of adjusting to carbon reduced emissions and sustainable manufacturing using renewable energy sources, advanced process management tools and sensors, smart transport and circular economy. Israel’s strong technological capabilities in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Big Data are paving the way for leading innovation that can transform the UK’s future Clean Growth goals.

The Tech Hub’s Clean Growth activities are aligned closely with the UK’s Industrial Strategy and include a focus on four core sectors that represent the Elements of Matter for a sustainable economy: Energy, Agrifood, Transport and Industry 4.0. Coupling Israel’s strong technological attributes with the UK’s global leadership in these core sectors (via companies such as Centrica, Tesco and BT) offers an outstanding opportunity for both Israeli and UK innovators and entrepreneurs.

Check out our activities!